Risteaaya Matrimony is a Dating app helps you find your better half within India and foreign countries and allows you to look at your phone number to join them for the purpose of marriage.

Muslim4Love is a Dating app helps you find your better half within India and foreign countries for muslim community and allows you to look at your phone number to join them for the purpose of marriage.

Medical app available in 9 languages, Can take online appointment save time, Easily upload all your medical reports like prescription, lab reports on cloud server, You can order prescribed medicine from mobile and get free delivery, You can also get information about your disease and prescribed medicine, information about your diet, You can get discount on pathological test in more than 1200 centers in India, You can also share your report online to doctor and get feedback
Website : www.faarbetterfilms.com
Google Play store :https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gss.rockabyte.login

App for college friends,You can share, exchange, upload, events of college,like,dislike,comment, Discuss anything with friends with any college who are registered(likeAlbum,images,audio,video on fb,just like fb ), Its visible to all college of city

Shows the nearest restaurant, pubs, schools, favourite places etc, Having option to show the entire places/ options to set as favourite items, Shows the places and route to move it/Navigation You can upload and share photo of your selected category through mail.

App for college friends, You can share, exchange, upload, events of college,like,dislike,comment, Discuss anything with friends with any college who are registered(likeAlbum,images,audio,video on fb,just like fb ), Its visible to all college of city
Website : www.beanstring.com

App for college friends, You can share, exchange, upload, events of college,like,dislike,comment, Discuss anything with friends with any college who are registered(likeAlbum,images,audio,video on fb,just like fb ), Its visible to all college of city
Website : www.beanstring.com

Its a family app,where you can chat with your family members only. Having option to create a tree of family right from grand parents to small kid in a family. It has option to create a group of other family also, where only his family members can chat with them. User can create his own profile where his personal information is shared